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The importance of independent and reliable information has never been greater. We stand with all our partners in Ukraine who are reporting this war despite great personal risk and distress. Carsten von Nahmen, Managing Director, DW Akademie

DW Akademie in Europe and Central Asia

It has been three decades since the fall of the Iron Curtain but political and financial pressures on the media are still common in regions in Europe and Central Asia. Increasing restraints on the media in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan for example, contrast with a few bright spots such as Georgia or Moldova.

DW Akademie is responding with tailor-made projects. In Southeast Europe we are encouraging closer ties with the European Union, for example through a center of excellence in the Western Balkans.

Our focus in Central Asia is on strengthening community journalism to give people access to information. In the South Caucasus we are focusing on the social participation of rural groups and the financial sustainability of local media.


"I believe that for one's country one should live, not die"

A Russian journalist and participant of our Space for Freedom program speaks about her experience in exile.

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"I believe that for one's country one should live, not die"

"I believe that for one's country one should live, not die"

Standbild aus Videoporträt eines russischen Exiljournalisten und Space for Freedom Teilnehmers

"It all felt like it was closing in on me"

DW Akademie in Armenien

DW Akademie strengthens the media in Armenia

 Georgia: Accessing online classes from the hills

Georgia: Accessing online classes from the hills

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