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DW Akademie in Africa

Africa has long been part of the digital age and although digitization opens up new approaches to information and knowledge, not everyone has benefited. A majority of Africans remain unable to fully exercise their right to free expression, and this applies especially to the rural population, women and young people. However, the issues affecting them are key to the development of the entire continent and is why they are central to our media development activities.

We advise traditional media, community radio stations and bloggers in 18 sub-Saharan African countries. Our activities focus on strengthening high-quality, independent media and the sustainable development of training systems for media professionals.

At the political level, we advise government agencies and non-governmental organizations. Our goal is to strengthen media literacy, particularly among young people, since they will form the foundation of an African knowledge-based society.


West Africa: IdeaLab for MIL innovation

Meet an innovative group of MIL experts from who are applying new ideas to Media and Information Literacy projects.

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DW Akademie | MIL experts meet at IdeaLab in Accra Ghana

West Africa: IdeaLab for MIL innovation

DW Akdademie Projekt | Radio Liptako:

Displaced persons in Niger are speaking up and getting heard

Kenia | Kakuma Refugee Camp | Informationsreise Erzbischof Dr. Stefan Heße

Sikika: Under the same sun

Kakuma, Kenya | Media Development

Kenya: "Sikika" community radio by and for refugees

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