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DW Akademie in Latin America

There are numerous information sources in Latin America: mobile phones, for example are popular, and studies show that social networks play a major role in daily life. However, obtaining information can be extremely difficult. Even in the digital age, entire population groups are largely excluded from voicing their needs and concerns. This is especially true for people who live in rural areas and for indigenous groups.

The hindrances are many. Media monopolies, for example, limit diversity. In areas where a few companies own almost all of the TV and radio stations, minorities face challenges in making their voices heard. Civil society organizations often complain about "deaf states" where governments are reluctant to release information. And journalism is a dangerous profession in many Latin American countries. Critical media workers here are often put under pressure or attacked, with dramatic consequences for freedom of expression.

In response, DW Akademie supports networks that enable people to access information. We support community radio stations, local journalist networks and online activists, and advocate indigenous peoples' right to freedom of expression and information. Together with partners, we develop innovative training approaches and advise alternative media on ways to develop sustainable business models. We promote social dialogues – for example, in coming to terms with the horrors of civil war – and support those who teach young people how to use the media critically. Promoting local expertise and developing local networks therefore plays a central role in our projects in Latin America.


Colombia: Advising producers how to boost their audience

Between 2020 and 2022, DW Akademie accompanied Vokaribe Radio in Barranquilla for workshops aimed at guiding local content producers on how to improve their programs, both from a technological and a financial point of view.

More videos

Kolumbien | Vokaribe zusammen mit der DW Akademie in Kolumbien

Colombia: Advising producers how to boost their audience

Campus AMI: A fun festival for developing media skills

Campus AMI: A fun festival for developing media skills

Bolivien DW Akademie-Projekt in Bolivien mit dem lokalen Partner CEPRA

Bolivia: A radionovela to protect identity

DW Akademie Guatemala

"AMI Lab" in Guatemala: An escape room in a minivan

AlfabetaMedia Lab for MIL in El Salvador

AlfabetaMedia Lab for MIL in El Salvador

Esmeralda Condori Arista

"Radio Escuela": School goes on in times of pandemic

Guatemala | DW Akademie

Guatemala: Indigenous youth defy misinformation

Countries and regions

Survive and Thrive: The Media Viability Podcast

How to survive and thrive as a feminist media outlet

Our guest in Women’s Month 2024 is Michelle Nogales is the CEO of Muy Waso, Bolivia’s first feminist online magazine.

More audios

Survive and Thrive: The Media Viability Podcast by DW Akademie

How to survive and thrive as a feminist media outlet

Survive and Thrive: The Media Viability Podcast by DW Akademie

How to survive and thrive in environmental journalism

Survive and Thrive: The Media Viability Podcast by DW Akademie

How to survive and thrive as a feminist media outlet | EP 04