Visualizing Lebanon's overall results | #speakup barometer | Lebanon | DW | 23.05.2019
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#speakup barometer | Lebanon

Visualizing Lebanon's overall results

See the detailed results for all of our five clusters visualized in one chart: Access, Digital Rights, Media and Journalism, Society, and Innovation. Please click to enlarge the image.

DWA DW Akademie speakup barometer Lebanon Spinnengrafik

This image allows you to see status of digital participation in Lebanon in our five clusters: Digital Rights, Access, Media and Journalism, Society and Innovation.

Digital participation in Lebanon is advanced. The tech start-up scene is growing, and compared to other Arab countries, Lebanon has few restrictions in place regarding online content. Refugees in particular benefit from digitalization in order to inform themselves, work online and connect via digital media. Despite increased Internet penetration, access in Lebanon is still expensive and speeds are below average. Lebanon also has no laws in place to protect freedom of expression online, and the number of arrests of citizens, journalists and activists for making critical statements online has spiked in the past year.

Each spoke represents the results of one of our clusters. That means that the length of the spoke visualizes the magnitude of digital participation for the respective cluster. As well, all of the spokes together form a surface that indicates the level of participation through a color range. The color ranges from red in the middle to green in the outer part of the spokes. All in all, the radar chart enables to see the overall results as well as the cluster-specific results in one view.


The #speakup barometer is a DW Akademie project that examines the connection between digital participation, freedom of expression and access to information. Learn more at