A radio presenter livestreams the news | #speakup barometer | Lebanon | DW | 08.05.2019
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A radio presenter livestreams the news

Sara Tohmas is a presenter at a radio station in Beirut. People enjoy listening to her show on the live stream more than on a radio device, Tohmas says.

Sara Tohmas Libanon Barometer

Sarah Thomas at Lebanese University, Beirut

Sara Tohmas is studying for her Master's degree at the Lebanese University and works as a presenter at a radio station in Beirut. She finds that providing content from the radio show through a livestream is a useful bridge between the offline and online world.

"I work for Radio Risale in Beirut and I used to work for a website called El Nashra, focusing on the economy. I am currently doing my master’s degree at the Lebanese University. We do have a website at the radio station and there you can find all the news we publish and also the livestream of the program, but we do not provide content that goes beyond the program. I liked working for the website because I was able to post news quickly. But in radio, you get to be more closely in touch with the listeners. I like that. I'll find out more about the people and their worries and they are usually very friendly. Although users can also comment on the net, we do not learn much about them. And the tone is sometimes rougher too. What we know is that people enjoy our livestream more than listening to us on a radio device."


The #speakup barometer is a DW Akademie project that examines the connection between digital participation, freedom of expression and access to information. Learn more at www.dw.com/barometer