Creating opportunities for a young entrepreneur | #speakup barometer | Colombia | DW | 20.02.2019
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#speakup barometer | Colombia

Creating opportunities for a young entrepreneur

In the big cities, the availability of high-speed Internet provides opportunities to develop new businesses. One young entrepreneur used it to jumpstart an electric car sharing service.

Mauricio Guzman - Gründer des Start Ups Emobi Carsharing

Mauricio Guzman - Founder of the start up Emobi Carsharing (DW/S. Erb)

In the Colombian capital Bogotá, traffic and air pollution are two of the biggest challenges; Mauricio Guzman is a young entrepreneur who is contributing to a solution. From a co-working space, he founded the tech start-up, Emobi Carsharing.

"I founded my car sharing service in Bogotá a year ago. For nine months now, we have operated a fleet of 15 electric cars that can be rented via a mobile app. That works very well. Internet infrastructure in Colombia is reliable, there are several companies to choose from and costs are reasonable. The government has done a good job in this area. They are now beginning with the implementation of a 5G network. Even in the countryside, the mobile coverage is very good, especially if you compare it to other Latin American countries. I manage my start-up from a co-working space, because networking with other entrepreneurs is very helpful. In many cases, you can get support from others who face the same challenges."


The #speakup barometer is a DW Akademie project that examines the connection between digital participation, freedom of expression and access to information. Learn more at