Visualizing Ukraine's overall results | #speakup barometer | Ukraine | DW | 01.07.2019
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#speakup barometer | Ukraine

Visualizing Ukraine's overall results

See the detailed results for all of our five clusters visualized in one chart: Access, Digital Rights, Media and Journalism, Society, and Innovation. Please click to enlarge the image.

 Specific results for the various factors influencing digital participation in Ukraine. The better the results in a specific cluster, the more the color field extends towards the greener, outer edge of the web. Ukraine, where the price of internet access is among the lowest in the world, has a particularly high score in the area of Access. The country has a strong IT sector oriented towards the export market, but many media outlets find it difficult to access the kind of innovation that would allow them to be more successful. Experts fear that digital rights will be sacrificed in the name of national security, a fact which is reflected in the lower score in the thematic area of Digital Rights. Furthermore, although online media produces most of the country’s quality journalism, many outlets depend almost exclusively on advertisement for their income. Therefore, two thematic clusters – Society and of Media and Journalism – show room for improvement. Ukrainians are quite aware of the dangers of disinformation and the need for more Media and Information Literacy. 


The #speakup barometer is a DW Akademie project that examines the connection between digital participation, freedom of expression and access to information. Learn more at