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International Media Studies


In 2020, the DW Akademie launched their Capacity Building Initiative, connecting the graduate program in International Media Studies (IMS) with universities across the globe.

The initiative has been designed as a collaboration resource for coordinators from partner universities of the Master of Arts program. The goal of this initiative is to foster cooperation and exchange of knowledge, research, experiences, and best teaching practices in the fields of journalism and media studies. The IMS has entered into partnerships with universities in eight countries so far (Bangladesh, Colombia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Tunisia, Uganda and Uzbekistan) and expects to gain partners in six more countries (Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Senegal and Ukraine).

Knowledge Sharing

As part of the initiative, a knowledge-sharing platform was developed for coordinators from partner universities to convene and collaborate digitally.

The online collaboration resource hosted via DW Akademie Connect houses a collection of different teaching materials. Within the online platform, educators can access and share course materials, literature, current research studies and teaching methods on their desired focus of study within the field of media and journalism. This content is constantly being updated and serves as a way for educators to collaborate in real-time and stay up to date on the most relevant and prevailing information in the field.

Research Visits and Conferences

Furthermore, representatives of the partner universities are invited to Bonn for a 4-week research visit, during which they can gain deeper insight into the curricular structure and daily operations of the IMS.

In addition, the IMS plans to host joint events for exchanging expertise among the coordinators, professors, and media professionals from the Global North and South. This way, the participants become part of a network of change agents in the university sector, specifically in the field of media and journalism. The first digital conference under the theme “Journalism in a Digital World: Impact, Advantages, and Risks” was held recently on January 10th, 2023.

IMS Welcomes Guests from Colombia, Ghana, Ethiopia and Uzbekistan

The Capacity Building Initiative completed its first research visits in December 2021 with Prof. Dr. Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed from Externado de Colombia University. "Capacity building ensures a win-win for journalistic teaching in the international media sector," said Dr. Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed, who was the first partner to pay the DW Akademie a visit.

"The knowledge and intercultural exchange was a meaningful experience and I look forward to similar opportunities in the future," the second visitor, Dr. Michael Yao Wodui Serwornoo, explained after his research visit in June 2022.

In November and December 2022, professors from partner universities in Ethiopia and Uzbekistan traveled to Bonn and participated in lectures of the IMS, advised current students on their master's thesis and met with colleagues of the DW Akademie, as well as Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and the University Bonn. The aim was to share experiences and exchange ideas to gain new perspectives on teaching media and journalism, media development and institutional structures.



International Media Studies: Registrar’s office, Ira Fröhlich and Irene Najjemba

Registrar's office

Mon - Fri | 9 am - 4 pm (UTC+1)


T:+ 49.228.429-2892

Bewerbungsprozss IMS

Application Process

Applications for the fall intake of the IMS Master's Degree are now closed.