Asia: Call for submissions for in-person conference on forced migration | Opportunities and Tenders | DW | 25.07.2024
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Opportunities and Tenders

Asia: Call for submissions for in-person conference on forced migration

DW Akademie invites Asia-based media workers, content creators and experts to submit proposals for the Chiang Mai conference "Beyond borders - Exploring reporting and dialogue on forced migration in Asia."

People worldwide are increasingly being forced to leave their homes. Those in Asia are especially affected by displacement. The UNHCR, in its latest global trends report, points to 15.7 million forcibly displaced and stateless persons in the Asia-Pacific region alone. However, studies show that the narrative around displacement is often skewed, leading to biased reporting and misinformation, which in turn can increase hostility towards refugees and migrants. In addition, the media rarely see them as a target market – one more reason the displaced lack access to information they need. 

DW Akademie invites you to address these issues at an in-person conference being held October 31 - November 3, 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. As a media professional, content creator or Asia-based expert specializing in this field, you will have the chance to discuss your challenges, share your innovative local approach and be inspired by a community of peers. We aim to facilitate an open dialogue on improving media coverage and information-sharing for and with refugees and displaced people, and to discuss ways to improve access to information as well as stimulate dialogue with host communities. In addition, we will look at best practices for exiled Asian media on  how to survive and thrive. Our goal is to foster understanding and collaborative solution-seeking. 

Proposed themes and discussion topics 

Understanding forced migration 

  • Forced migration in Asia: insight into trends and recent developments
  • Highlighting related issues: i.e. environmental and climate migration, human trafficking, forced migration from a gender perspective, support for internally displaced persons, repatriation 

Reporting on forced migration 

  • The role of social media influencers in shaping perceptions
  • Beyond the “victim or perpetrator” framing: changing narratives
  • Conflict-sensitive and constructive reporting in forced migration contexts
  • Overcoming compassion fatigue, rebuilding empathy
  • Addressing harmful information and hate speech
  • Creative use of visuals 

Access to information, freedom of expression

  • The role and best practices of exiled media: reporting for audiences in countries in crisis and those in the diaspora
  • Reporting from inside the communities: communicators, community reporters, citizen journalists
  • Using new digital technologies/artificial intelligence for information and communication in forced migration settings 

We are also open to your own suggestions. 

From lightning talks to innovative sparks: contributions and formats 

Enhance the conference with your engaging and interactive contribution to one of the above topics. For example, hold a brief thought-provoking workshop, or give an insightful presentation. Host a fishbowl discussion, lightning talk, an innovation spark, world café, AMA (Ask me Anything) session, a fireside chat or a “clinic” (tailored consultation). Or stage a performance, hold an exhibition or a film screening, or moderate a panel. It’s up to you, as long as you actively contribute to the event. 

Who can apply 

Media practitioners, content creators (e.g. community or citizen reporters, social media influencers, YouTube creators, etc.), representatives of civil society organizations and researchers (currently) based in one of the following Asian countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam or Cambodia. If you are an Afghan applicant based outside of Afghanistan, or a citizen of one of the countries above based in Australia, we would like to hear from you, too.

Application deadline: August 18, 2024

Please submit your English-language proposal via this Google form.

We especially encourage submissions from women, members of minority communities and those who have experienced forced migration themselves. 

The conference will be held in English.

What to expect: 

  • Meet regional peers and have access to an inspiring network
  • Attend all three days of the conference, with engaging sessions, networking opportunities and an excursion  
  • If you are based outside of Chiang Mai, DW Akademie will cover your air fare (round-trip) from your location (nearest airport) to Chiang Mai as well as full board during the conference. This also applies to those attending the optional, additional workshop held November 4, 2024.

Not included: 

  • Your local transport costs 
  • If you are based outside of Thailand, you must hold a valid travel document. Please check if you will also need a visa and apply for this yourself. 


October 31: Arrival / Conference opening (evening)  

November 1-3 (full days): Interactive conference program, including an excursion 

We ask you to actively participate in the entire three-day event.  


November 4 (full-day workshop): Changing the narrative – A sneak peek into our brand-new tool kit on forced migration reporting in Asia. Join us at this test session and be among the first users of our hands-on, Asia-specific working materials and guidelines. Up to 15 media practitioners can take part. 

If you have any questions, please contact us via: 


DW Akademie is Deutsche Welle's center for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Our projects strengthen the human right of freedom of expression and unhindered access to information. DW Akademie empowers people worldwide to make independent decisions based on reliable facts and constructive dialogue.        

The conference is part of DW Akademie’s Displacement and Dialogue Asia  project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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