Who is the target group? | FAQ | DW | 08.10.2019
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Who is the target group?

The program is designed primarily for young journalists, media managers and communications staff who come from developing and transition countries, and particularly from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

The program is designed primarily for young journalists, media managers and communications staff who come from developing and transition countries, and particularly from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. However, Germans, EU citizens and prospective students from other industrialized countries can also apply.

Applicants must have a bachelor's degree and, after graduating, at least one year of professional experience in a media-related field. Applicants must also have a good command of English.

The program is particularly aimed at:

  • Media workers from radio, TV, online and print
  • Young journalists, especially those working with electronic media
  • Journalists and managers from community radio stations
  • Communications experts
  • NGO employees
  • Government ministry employees
  • Staff working in the area of development cooperation
  • Representatives of national broadcasters' regional working groups
  • Media association representatives
International Media Studies: Registrar’s office, Ira Fröhlich and Irene Najjemba

Registrar's office

Mon - Fri | 9 am - 4 pm (UTC+1)

E: ims@dw.com

T:+ 49.228.429-2892

Bewerbungsprozss IMS

Application Process

Applications for the fall intake of the IMS Master's Degree are now closed.