DW Akademie in Niger | Africa | DW | 07.07.2015
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DW Akademie in Niger

Niger is home to a wide variety of diverse media which are largely uncensored. Although they are chronically underfunded, they manage to represent a broad spectrum of views. In 2010, the overthrow of authoritarian president, Mamadou Tandja, ushered in ambitious reforms permitting more media freedom and freedom of expression. The imposition of prison sentences and pre-trial detentions for media-related offenses was repealed, the media regulating authority was reorganized, and the right of access to government information was introduced. Infringements of media freedom are now rare. However, it is still difficult to produce balanced reports about the crisis in the east of the country and the threat of the Islamist terrorist group, Boko Haram. The government is thin-skinned when it comes to reports that are critical of the situation in the east, and it reacts accordingly.

Our activities
Since 2012, DW Akademie has focused intensively on promoting conflict-sensitive reporting. Between 2012 and 2014, it provided training to more than 200 journalists, who produced reports on conflict-related topics and strengthen their understanding of the responsibility of the media. A network of twelve media outlets, which includes private and local radio stations as well as other media houses, resulted from this project. The 2015/2016 follow-up project focuses on the sustainability of conflict-sensitive reporting. During this period, DW Akademie will give support and guidance to the creation of a formal network. In addition, local trainers will attend train-the-trainer courses so that they, in turn, can pass on their knowledge to employees of local radio stations. The aim of DW Akademie's work in Niger is to contribute to the professionalization of the media landscape.

Funding sources: German Foreign Office (AA)

Country coordinator: Christine Harjes

Operational locations: Niamey and rural areas

Local partners: Alternative Espaces Citoyens

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