Protecting women in Algeria: Djazairouna fights against online hate | DW AKADEMIE | DW | 27.06.2024
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Protecting women in Algeria: Djazairouna fights against online hate

Through a mix of online and offline strategies, the organization Djazairouna is working to change attitudes and encourage greater awareness on the issue of online hate speech.

To combat violence against women in Algeria, the non-profit Djazairouna is taking a multipronged approach to raise awareness about the prevalence and impact of online hate speech. Using approaches that connect victims, they hope to empower women to stand up against it. The organizations is also encouraging lawmakers to take action.

The rise of online violence against women in Algeria, driven by digital platforms and religious rhetoric, has led to alarming consequences that range from shaming to honor killings. In the first half of 2024 alone, 34 women lost their lives as a consequence of online hate speech, following 41 tragic deaths in 2023.

A varied approach

In response to this urgent issue, Djazairouna reached out to key stakeholders from government bodies, civil society organizations, and the media to address the problem head-on. Through a mix of online and offline strategies, the organization is working to change attitudes and encourage greater awareness on the issue of online hate speech.

In the southern region of Algeria, Djazairouna has directly engaged with girls and women aged 18 to 60 years who have been victims of hate speech. By educating them on the dangers of hate speech and its societal roots, the participants are now better equipped to recognize, report and combat hate speech.

Reaching audiences online

The organization has also collaborated with university students to create impactful multimedia content under the banner of their "#Do you know?" campaign to raise awareness through social media platforms.

The campaign uses facts, legal clauses, and slogans like "The more we cooperate, the more we can combat online harassment against women" and "Your freedom of speech does not mean harassment against women." The campaign has captured significant attention online so far, surpassing expectations with 2800 interactions in just 3 months.

Changing minds and the law

In addition to their awareness efforts, Djazairouna is working on drafting legislation to protect women from online abuse. Informed by thorough analyses, the proposed laws aim to provide protection for women while also addressing the societal roots of hate speech.

While legislative changes are underway, Djazairouna’s campaign has already secured substantial support from independent parliament members and volunteer lawyers committed to helping hate speech victims seek justice.

Djazairouna’s impactful campaign in Algeria highlights the pivotal role that media and advocacy efforts can play in promoting peace and social justice. Initiatives like Djazairouna, which empower marginalized communities and amplify their voices, have the potential to help build more inclusive and peaceful societies.

The organization Djazairouna and their campaign is supported by DW Akademie's "Digital Innovations for Peace" initiative, funded by the EU and the German Foreign Office.