Our Analysis Model | #mediadev | DW | 27.07.2016
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Our Analysis Model

DW Akademie supports freedom of expression and access to information around the world. Based on our analysis model we take a comprehensive look at media systems and realize effective and sustainable projects.

Freedom of expression and access to information inform every aspect of DW Akademie's work in media development. Following on from this, our analysis model has human rights at its core, with our goal being to enable all people to freely inform and express themselves. The model provides a comprehensive framework for the planning and implementation of sustainable media development, not just for DW Akademie, but also for others active in the sector. The underlying principle of DW Akademie's analysis model is a human rights-based approach.

Comprehensive: Four key areas of strategic action

Diverse fields of action need to be considered when developing strategies and planning holistic projects to create and support media environments that are free, pluralistic and independent. Activities in each of the key areas can help foster access to information and freedom of expression. Arguably, true progress can only be achieved through the interplay of, and synergies between, the areas of strategic action.

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Digital transformation

DW Akademie's analysis model integrates digital transformation as an issue that cuts across and affects all four key areas: political and legal frameworks need must be to be reformed to reflect digital realities; media professionals need relevant qualifications to understand the various aspects of the digital media environment; the professional media sectors require support in adapting their business models to the internet age; people should have the chance to use social media and other new digital platforms to participate and have their voices heard; civil society needs to be a watchdog capable of defending privacy and human rights against government surveillance and commercial interests. Digital transformation is a reality that shapes the right of all people to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds.

The analysis model was developed by DW Akademie in consultation with Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with the aim of defining development policy on fostering freedom of expression and access to information. It can also serve as a guide for others looking to establish media development programs and projects.

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