Moldova: Structural reforms at DW Akademie's partner station Teleradio-Moldova | Europe/Central Asia | DW | 17.10.2011
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Europe/Central Asia

Moldova: Structural reforms at DW Akademie's partner station Teleradio-Moldova

A former state-owned broadcaster in the Republic of Moldova is to be restructured as a public service broadcaster. DW Akademie is supporting the reform process with consultations and workshops.

A conference initiated by DW Akademie and held by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) focused on a comprehensive reform process for the broadcaster Teleradio-Moldova (TRM). The conference took place September 23 in the Moldavian capital, Chisinau. Over the next three years TRM is to become a public service broadcaster along the lines of the European model. Patrick Leusch, head of DW Akademie's Project Development division, addressed Moldavian and EU government representatives and endorsed on-going support for TRM.

DW Akademie has been accompanying TRM's restructuring process during the last 12 months. While visiting the Republic of Moldova in early October 2010, DW Director-General Erik Bettermann signed a memorandum on working together with TRM's president, Constantin Marin. DW Akademie experts have since developed a roadmap for the broadcaster’s restructuring and conducted initial training and consultancy steps for managers. DW Akademie instructors have also trained radio and TV correspondents in cooperation with the Council of Europe office in Moldova, and DW Akademie's TRM consultant, Jochen Walter, is heading the development of a multimedia department complete with a new online presence.

10.2011 DW-AKADEMIE ME Europa und Zentralasien Moldau OSZE Konferenz 1

Head of Project Development DW Akademie Patrick Leusch

Further investment is needed in order for TRM's restructuring to be effective. The pro-European government in Moldova has given the project political backing but has to date not confirmed funding from its side. Patrick Leusch says this partly depends on the much hoped-for funding from the EU. At the conference closing, Constantin Martin thanked DW Akademie. "Being at a turning point in the modernization process, we greatly benefit of DW Akademie's multidimensional assistance. Each project is a real contribution to strengthen TRM as a genuine public broadcaster."

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