DW Akademie in Asia | Asia | DW | 21.05.2019
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DW Akademie in Asia

DW Akademie is mainly active in Asian countries which are undergoing major political changes. These are precisely the states in which professional media are necessary and sought after.

Asia is booming. In terms of technology and commerce, countries in the region are rapidly catching up with or overtaking western industrialized nations. While many in the region are benefiting from the changes, the standard of living for most of the population is still low. Often, they lack essential material goods and have little access to information. In many Asian countries people cannot freely voice their opinions.

DW Akademie addresses these issues with tailor-made projects: in Myanmar we support the country's first community radio station, the creation of a national journalism school, and advise the country's press council. In Mongolia we support the press council and journalism school. In Cambodia, the focus is on strengthening young people's media literacy, while in Bangladesh we promote community radio stations and university journalism programs. In Pakistan, DW Akademie is involved with trauma centers for media workers, promotes innovative journalism and supports citizen reporters.

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