Call for tender: Learning Designer/Podcast Trainer for advanced PodcasTrainings | Opportunities and Tenders | DW | 15.10.2024
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Opportunities and Tenders

Call for tender: Learning Designer/Podcast Trainer for advanced PodcasTrainings

DW Akademie is looking for Learning designers and podcast trainers for an advanced podcast training module.

The goal of the PodcasTraining Initiative PA.GK23AF.24.10 is to support media organiza-tions and media professionals to strengthen their skills and knowledge in podcasting and support these to develop, produce and distribute podcasts.

The specific aims of the project are:

  • Extend and further develop the standardized podcasting training curriculum as well as all developed training tools.
  • Facilitate the implemention of podcast training and coaching with media houses and indi-vidual journalists — including the production of various podcast episodes.


Expanding DW Akademie’s standardized PodcasTraining curriculum and methodologies to include compact and advanced modules, thematic modules and build on the MethodKit for Podcasts using AI as well as video.

Evaluation of the training modules with subject matter experts and implementing partners.


Submission deadline is the 31st October 2024.
Please send your documents via E-Mail to: You may also address your questions to this e-mail address.


Please find the full call for tender below. 
