Call for proposals: Evaluation of DW Akademie’s project in Ukraine | Opportunities and Tenders | DW | 02.10.2024
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Opportunities and Tenders

Call for proposals: Evaluation of DW Akademie’s project in Ukraine

DW Akademie is calling for proposals for the evaluation of its project in Ukraine funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Find all details and information on how to apply in the downloads section below.

DW Akademie’s project in Ukraine is currently being implemented over a three-year period from January 2023 to December 2025. During the last year of the project, an evaluation is scheduled to take place in time to provide actionable information for any subsequent proposals. 

DW Akademie invites interested and qualified persons to submit proposals. These Terms of Reference are to be taken as the basis for the evaluation. 

Tender information 

Title: Evaluation of DW Akademie’s project in Ukraine based on the OECD/DAC-criteria, with a particular focus on the criteria effectiveness and impact of media and journalism education.   

Type of contract: service contract 

Start Date: 01 November 2024 

Duration of assignment: The contract will be effective for 6 months from date of signing 

Evaluation proposals should be emailed to Laura Moore (, with Andrea Gellert ( and Dennis Reineck ( cc’d. Only electronic formats will be accepted. 

The submission deadline for all proposals is October 20, 2024.
