Media and information literacy - A practical guidebook for trainers (Third Edition) | Publications | DW Akademie | DW | 01.03.2021
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Media and information literacy - A practical guidebook for trainers (Third Edition)

The Media and Information Literacy Guidebook supplies MIL trainers with background information, training ideas, methods and worksheets. Download the guidebook here.

Literacy is the ability to read and write. Media and information literacy (MIL) is the ability to understand how the media work and can be used to participate in public debate. MIL includes social media like Facebook, as well as traditional media like books, newspapers, radio, and television.

Media and information literacy - A practical guidebook for trainers provides MIL trainers with background information, training ideas, methods and worksheets. The book also provides sample training schedules to help you determine the length of time needed to teach individual aspects of media and information literacy.

Download the Media and information literacy guidebook for trainers as well as the worksheets and guidelines !

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