Episode 06: How to survive and thrive by taking journalism out of the newsroom with Diogo Cardoso of Divergente, Portugal | Survive and Thrive: The Media Viability Podcast | DW | 30.09.2023
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Survive and Thrive

Episode 06: How to survive and thrive by taking journalism out of the newsroom with Diogo Cardoso of Divergente, Portugal

For the sixth episode of "Survive and Thrive", our guest is Diogo Cardoso. He is a journalist and director of Divergente from Portugal. The multi-award-winning online magazine specializes in long-form deep-dive reporting. On the podcast, Cardoso talks about how they stay afloat while staying true to their goal of stirring social debate. Get in touch: dw-akademie.surviveandthrive@dw.com.